
Wednesday, March 5, 2014

{Leibster Award}

Hey hey hey ;) I received a Liebster Award from the amazing Sarah Cinnamon of Sometimes Sarah. I think it's a really neat idea as it encourages new bloggers to keep on posting and helps them gain a wider audience. Thank you Sarah for the invite! So here are the tasks that you must follow:

You must link back to the blogger who nominated you.
You have to state 11 facts about yourself.
You have to answer the 11 questions that were given to you.
You have to nominate 11 others and set 11 questions for them to answer.
You can't nominate the person who nominated you.
You have to tell the nominees that they have been nominated by you.

Alrighty let's begin!

{11 Facts About Me}
1. I love paranormal and supernatural stories.... like darkness radio (not as creepy as it sounds) and paranormal witness.

2. I have two different thumbs, a short stubby one and an overly long crooked one.
3. Movie FAVE - The Royal Tenenbaums - any day of the week.
4. Seahorses intrigue me.
5. Rockstar and a cigarette are my favourite breakfast. 
6. Geometric shapes relax me. I could just stare and stare at fractals or watch those folding shaped sreen savers for hours. ahha
7. My full name is AmberLee Dawn Truman with a capital L.
8. I come from a family of 6 kids. 5 girls 1 boy.
9. When I was little I loved to tease and once brought a turkey foot/leg/claw to school so I could chase everyone around.. 
10. I love turquoise jewelry.
11. I like my cats fat.

{Questions from Sarah} 1. Name 3 of your essential beauty products? - moisturisers, Mac paint pot, tweezers..... chin hairs

2. What's your favourite place to be? - my car, currently without :(
3. What's your nickname? - AL or Amby
4. What is a makeup no-no that you have done? - Blush for shadow, it stained my lids.
5. What is your favourite quote? - “When I loved myself enough, I began leaving whatever wasn't healthy. This meant people, jobs, my own beliefs and habits - anything that kept me small."
6. What do you think is the best childhood candy? - cotton candy! 
7. Place of the house you hate cleaning the most? - the blinds, wood ones
8. If you suddenly won the lottery, what is the first thing you would buy? - facials and treatments for me, my mom and sisters and a trip for my bro and dad. Then a shit ton of makeup and clothes.
9. Have you ever broken a bone? - hand bones, punched a window
10. What's your most used nail polish colour? - nude or a night colour
11. What makes you happy? feeling like I know who I am and not letting myself be shy

{My Nominees}
Clarice Burton from
Rebecca Wilcox from
Lauren Chloe Ash from
Natasha Bagley from
Erica Jean Garcia from
Lexus Thomas from
Dani Alexandra from

{Questions for my nominees}
1. A color, a smell, and a taste that describes you?
2. Do you talk to yourself? If so what's it usually about?
3. What's something unusual you can do?
4. What is a makeup no-no that you have done? d
5. What is your favourite quote?
6. What do you think is the best childhood candy?
7. What is your favourite guilty pleasure?
8. What would you buy with a trillion dollars?
9. What's your favourite time of day?
10. What's your greatest fear?
11. What makes you happy?

Have fun doing this everyone!

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