
Wednesday, February 26, 2014

I'm no Dr. Oz but look at the difference in my skin after a lil Hyaluronic Acid and Maracuja oil

I'm wearing the same makeup in both pics, there's no editing and I took them both in natural light in the same place (my bathroom).. I like my privacy when I selfie. The only difference is that I have been treating my skin with pure hyaluronic acid and maracuja oil that I ordered from Amazon about two weeks ago.

I was rummaging through my phone and happened upon that pic on the left that I took of myself a little before I received those two beloved little bottles in the mail. I knew they were making my skin much softer and my coloring was becoming less splotchy but I didn't realize how much it was helping my pores and wrinkles to relax. 

I bought the hyaluronic acid on a whim when I was ordering the maracuja oil because I had just read an article about this amazing skin rejuvenating cream who's key ingredient was hyaluronic acid (a skin plumper aka wrinkle filler). The cream was was freakin expensive, always. So being the gutter rat beauty product fanatic that I am, I figured if I could afford getting my hands on just the main ingredient (the skin plumper) then shoot at least I'd be half way fabulous.

Further research about the acid made me realize I didn't need all the additives in that cream for it to still seep into my skin and do its business. Maracuja oil is a great carrier oil, chalk the eff full of vitamin C which usually commonly used to assist hyaluronic acid in penetrating the skin:

So ya ;)

These are the brands I purchased. Cosmedica's hyaluronic acid ($14 and I only use a drop a day), because it was pure, has high ratings and doesn't contain alcohol (watch out I almost bought a brand that claimed to be pure but on the ingredients it included isopropyl alcohol). And Botanical Beauty's Maracuja Oil because it is the same thing as Tarte's but much cheaper. 

I put two squirts of the oil and one drop of the acid in my hand and rub it on on slightly damp skin right after I wash my face every night. Having a little water on your skin gives the hyaluronic more moisture to bind to.

I just wanted to copy and paste that lil tid bit below in case you're wondering more about hyaluronic acid. For more about Maracuja Oil if you're curious, I ranted about it in an earlier blog or look it up! It's freakin good stuff! 

Cheers! I hope you can get these and are as pleased with them as I am

 Pure Hyaluronic Acid Serum Offers Effective Hydration
and Anti-Aging Benefits For a Youthful Appearance to Skin 

-Fix uneven skin tone 
-Heal dryness on face with intense hydration
-Skin plumping properties help reduce fine lines and wrinkles
-Instantly brighter complexion
-Lighten dark under eye circles 
-Under eye puffiness treatment

safe product for sensitive skin, oily skin remedy; safe for all skin types 

100% pure and stable hyaluronic acid at the highest concentration, to ensure its fullest
potential with maximum results. 

Hyaluronic Acid effectively binds water to cells and is responsible for the
elasticity and resiliency of the skin. Such properties make Hyaluronic Acid Serum effective
in transforming skin to promote a healthy and balanced glow. 

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