
Sunday, March 30, 2014

How to improve your posture..

I have a scoliosis and have been working on this. My back aches a ton less when I'm focused on keeping it straight. A big part of proper posture is not just always focusing on it 24/7, but taking 15-20 min each day with eyes closed and a straightened spine. It's a nice time to meditate and reflect while becoming aware of the alignment in your body. It becomes easier to sit and stand straight over time! 

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

A yolked, avocado acne mask

So, I pinned this mask on Pinterest a bit ago and felt good I added another cool thing to my Pinterest world, along with my super cute cyber wardrobe and some super bomb fitness routines. Haha. I didn't think much of it until I logged back in and saw that it was reposted and liked a record of 70 plus times.. What the?? I'm not gonna lie, I basked in my new found pinterest popularity for a moment (it's not typical I pin a winner of this caliber) then realised my ridiculousness. Why did I even pin this in the first place? So I did the super unusual and actually applied
1 Tbsp organic plain yogurt
1 Tbsp lemon juice
1 tsp grapeseed or olive oil
1/2 ripe Avocado
1 egg yolk

Mash the avocado and mix the other ingredients in really well until you have a smooth consistency. Apply to a clean face and let sit for 20 minutes then rinse off with warm water and a gentle cleanser.

I followed the directions exact and was left with ALOT of extra so Ill probably cut the ingredients in half next time... but... whoa!!!!!!.. my skin felt and looked great after! 
It felt tight, soft and the redness and swelling around my problem areas were completely gone. I chose not to wash with a cleanser and just rinsed and patted it off really well since my skin is on the dry side and I didn't want to disrupt the hydrating goodness that seeped in. My skin felt soOoOoo good and fresh after. I opted not to wear any makeup to run my errands and just applied maracuja oil for a little moisture and sun block. I'm thinking of maybe omitting the lemon juice and giving this a go as a hair mark as well. So that's that. My advice, don't let this lil gem sit for ten years like I did and trust this lazy girl, it's worth trying ;)

Sunday, March 23, 2014

<LOTD> Urban Decay Naked Basics & Blue
I'm addicted to bright colours and often.. too often, I throw on beautiful colours that hook my eye on the palette but aren't meant for everyday wear... It's one of those things that I have to constantly talk to myself about. 'Less is best, less is best. Chill out Amber, less is best.' 

This look is super easy. It's just an everyday natural look using Urban Decay's Basics Palette (LOVE) with a wedge brush line of bright blue around the eye. It was quick, had a beautiful bright colour in it and I could still leave my house without blinding people. Win!

Happy Sunday! Summer's coming... So so ready, in my heart!
big belly monkey

Saturday, March 22, 2014

Bridal Makeup


had the great honor of getting this beauty ready for her bridal pics.
It wasn't a hard task making her features pop as she already has beautiful bright eyes and a naturally phenomenal bone structure. We wanted an elegant but not over the top look while incorporating a bit of her peach and grey wedding colours into her look.

I used:
Smash Box Photo Finish Primer
MUD warm creme foundation 
MUD highlight and shadow creme palette
MUD setting powder
Mac peach Blush
it Cosmetic's Bye Bye Under Eye
MUD eyebrow pencil in Taupe 
MUD peach and beige eyeshadow on the lids and bone on the brow bone 
MUD light and dark grey out from the creases
Covergirl waterproof (for sure) full lash mascara in black

I stayed away from any shimmery colours as they don't photo well in the sunlight.

We didn't want to take the risk of lash strips but applied a couple medium flares with a heavy dose of ardell clear lash adhesive atop her outer lashes. (They lasted, thank freakin heavens ;))

I have to be honest this was my first Bridal makeover on someone outside of my family so I was pretty stinkin nervous but she was such a sweetheart... Haha I think I was more nervous than her ;) It went well and her hair was so easy and nice to work with I couldn't have asked for a better first time experience. 

Pics aren't pro..  But you get the idea ;)

Friday, March 21, 2014

ELF PALETTE Mila Kunis Inspiration Look - pale girl version ;)

Freakin Mila Kunis is so hot. Enough said. 
I wanted to recreate her look but realised I would have two black eyes without her beautiful olive skin to soften them, so I went for a more gold brown eye instead.

The brush tips are placed atop the colours used and numbered since they are all unnamed. The numbers on my lids are just the general places the colours were used on my eyes.  They aren't listed in any particular order  ;)

Have an amazing weekend! 

Battling Blackheads. Cinnamon, Lemon & Honey Bear.
Mix these three together and leave on for 15 minutes. Use a little more Honey than Cinammon and add just a drop of Lemon so you have a thick paste. 

It might sting a little but that will go away when you rinse off. 

Large pores run in my fam and I'm always looking for ways to keep them free of that black puddin. This is a really nice pantry facial that I like to use 2-3 times a week. 

Omit the Lemon if you're skin is feeling sensitive. 

Try it ;) you won't be sad you did!
Is this a face that would lie to you? ;)

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

A Purple & Taupe casual smokey eye. :)

smokey eye
Mud Natural Palette
Personally, I like to do my eyes first, it prevents fall out from getting all over my foundation. Also, you may think this is weird but I pull my shadow primer up through my brows to keep them from smearing around. ;)

This look is super easy, all you do is apply a light coloured base, then swipe the light brown/taupe colour across your eyelid crease a couple times. Also line your lower lash line from corner to corner with taupe or a light brown using a wedge brush.
Shany Neon Palette

Next, apply a purple shadow to the outer corner of your lids and blend it inward. Then use that same purple as a drop shadow a third of the way in along the bottom lash line.

You can us any black eyeliner to line your eyes from corner to corner in a semi cat eye. I like to soften the line by running a wedge brush and some black shadow over it.  Apply mascara and doneski!

purple and taupe smokey eye

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Morning love! Would you like a skin latte?

My favourite thing to do, especially on a weekend morning when my skin is exceptionally distraught is feed it some green tea.
I keep a container of frozen green tea/vitamin E mix cubes and rub one on my face in the morning to reduce the swelling caused by a good nights slumber.... Or the extra swelling caused by an even better night out on the town ;).  

The green tea invigorates your skin and gives its glow back while the frozen cubes depuff your pretty face and close your pores, locking in that green tea/vitamin E goodness.

To make: 

I boil a half cup of water per tea bag, I usually use 5, then let it steep until cool.

Pop a vitamin E pill and squeeze one into each ice cubicle.

Then pour in the cooled tea and freeze overnight.

Waste not want not -
Gently squeeze most of the water out of the bags and freeze them too! They're great for your tired puffy peepers if you don't feel like rubbing a cube all over your face.

After their frozen I like to remove the cubes and store them in a tupperweear container so I don't have to pry at one each morning.

BAM done! Haha it's easy and you'll really be glad you did it ;)

Friday, March 7, 2014

Who watched The Following?... I loved Natalie Zea's makeup

natalie zea look

Ok, so just real quick, who was bummed about the ending? And who hates this short haired vixen? She really played her character well, cause I really loathed her. >:|

Anywho ;)
I really liked Claire (Natalie Zea's) makeup, especially when she was meeting Joe for dinner. I need to look up the makeup artist for her. Whoever it was, I love how they did her eyes in a soft smokey cat eye look.  I didn't find a good shot of the scene but I came across this one for inspiration instead. 
What I really like about her eye makeup is that there is so much colour under the eye and that her eyeliner isn't obvious but still frames her eyes nicely. I used the good old Shany palette, Mud taupe and cream and a Mac salmon coloured shimmery eyeshadow.. haha sorry I bought it forever ago and the name has rubbed off but you catch my drift. 

I really like her dewy look but my greasy face would never last so I just applied a little of benefit's erase paste around the inner creases of my eyes, outer corners and brow bones, just to add a little sheen. 

Besides the Shany palette, another new item I just discovered that I've been sooooooo happy with is it cosmetics bye bye under eye. That stuff is the BOMB! I have rosacea that flares up right under my eyes sometimes... frickin sucks for sure, but bye bye under eye has been so nice. It goes on really thin with awesome coverage and contains moisturising agents and collagen. It keeps my rosacea from bothering me and is really good for my wrinkly under lids. (Ok, if you don't know about rosacea, I probably sound really weird. It's like adult acne and flares up every so often. Most people get it on their cheeks but I get it right under my eyes. It comes and goes if you don't eat right or treat that area of skin harshly. I get it when my girl comes knocking.) Now you know ;) if anyone has this lovely skin thing and knows of any other good treatments, let ME know. 
Thank you! 

Hug hug, kiss kiss, hug hug, big kiss, little hug, kiss kiss, little kiss.
Used the right row on the right on both palettes ;)

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

{Leibster Award}

Hey hey hey ;) I received a Liebster Award from the amazing Sarah Cinnamon of Sometimes Sarah. I think it's a really neat idea as it encourages new bloggers to keep on posting and helps them gain a wider audience. Thank you Sarah for the invite! So here are the tasks that you must follow:

You must link back to the blogger who nominated you.
You have to state 11 facts about yourself.
You have to answer the 11 questions that were given to you.
You have to nominate 11 others and set 11 questions for them to answer.
You can't nominate the person who nominated you.
You have to tell the nominees that they have been nominated by you.

Alrighty let's begin!

{11 Facts About Me}
1. I love paranormal and supernatural stories.... like darkness radio (not as creepy as it sounds) and paranormal witness.

2. I have two different thumbs, a short stubby one and an overly long crooked one.
3. Movie FAVE - The Royal Tenenbaums - any day of the week.
4. Seahorses intrigue me.
5. Rockstar and a cigarette are my favourite breakfast. 
6. Geometric shapes relax me. I could just stare and stare at fractals or watch those folding shaped sreen savers for hours. ahha
7. My full name is AmberLee Dawn Truman with a capital L.
8. I come from a family of 6 kids. 5 girls 1 boy.
9. When I was little I loved to tease and once brought a turkey foot/leg/claw to school so I could chase everyone around.. 
10. I love turquoise jewelry.
11. I like my cats fat.

{Questions from Sarah} 1. Name 3 of your essential beauty products? - moisturisers, Mac paint pot, tweezers..... chin hairs

2. What's your favourite place to be? - my car, currently without :(
3. What's your nickname? - AL or Amby
4. What is a makeup no-no that you have done? - Blush for shadow, it stained my lids.
5. What is your favourite quote? - “When I loved myself enough, I began leaving whatever wasn't healthy. This meant people, jobs, my own beliefs and habits - anything that kept me small."
6. What do you think is the best childhood candy? - cotton candy! 
7. Place of the house you hate cleaning the most? - the blinds, wood ones
8. If you suddenly won the lottery, what is the first thing you would buy? - facials and treatments for me, my mom and sisters and a trip for my bro and dad. Then a shit ton of makeup and clothes.
9. Have you ever broken a bone? - hand bones, punched a window
10. What's your most used nail polish colour? - nude or a night colour
11. What makes you happy? feeling like I know who I am and not letting myself be shy

{My Nominees}
Clarice Burton from
Rebecca Wilcox from
Lauren Chloe Ash from
Natasha Bagley from
Erica Jean Garcia from
Lexus Thomas from
Dani Alexandra from

{Questions for my nominees}
1. A color, a smell, and a taste that describes you?
2. Do you talk to yourself? If so what's it usually about?
3. What's something unusual you can do?
4. What is a makeup no-no that you have done? d
5. What is your favourite quote?
6. What do you think is the best childhood candy?
7. What is your favourite guilty pleasure?
8. What would you buy with a trillion dollars?
9. What's your favourite time of day?
10. What's your greatest fear?
11. What makes you happy?

Have fun doing this everyone!

Hey there sugar _ _ _ s..

L.I.P.S...LIPS... duh.


 I don't know why my lips are so peely, perhaps I am a nervous licker or the tiny guys are shedding their baby skin and are soon gonna blossom into a full voluptuous pout.. about time. Either way I found this awesome lip diy exfoliator that has really been helping.

 All you do is mix a lil brown suga and coconut oil/or olive oil together and rub it into your lips real good. It tastes great and all the while the sugar granules scrub away the dead crap (white sugar makes for a deeper scrub).

If you wanna take it one step further a lil brown sugar in the shower makes a great body/face exfoliator as well ;) 


Monday, March 3, 2014

Follow my blog with Bloglovin

Sorry for the repost :P My feed got lost in the bloglovin world again ;) I need one of these bad boys

The Milky eyeliner.
eyeliner dupe ;) ha

Oh man I had to! I came across this on pinterest and was immediately back in the 6th grade girls locker room wearing my favourite spaghetti strap OVER my white old navy T and feeling very cool when my friend handed me my first 'makeup'. The beautiful pastel purple pen was fairly dried out and scratched the surface off my eyelid but transformed into one hot mama. 

That same friend coaxed me into shoving a needle through my virgin earlobes before I reached the house rule age of 12..  Good girl. Nicky you were so popular and you made this new chubby tomboy feel like a star. xx

Super handy makeup shelf life from
It's always fun to go through the land of misfit makeups and finding items in your bag that you thought you were over but you could see yourself loving again (kind of like my breakup life but much more beneficial). This is a great little guide so you don't give yourself gangrene in the eye or what not. Always spritz everything with 99% alcohol before using. You never know what that once unloved, lost little piece has been doing without your guidance.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Ezy pzy one color look.

Add depth to your cat eye with a touch of blue shadow. 

I first lined my eyes then applied Mac's Deep Truth shadow to the corner crease folds and used it as a drop shadow while leaving the rest nude. Ezy pzy variation on the cat eye. The slight blue contrast adds dimension to the otherwise flat look of the simple cat eye.

I'm afraid I just blew myself.
Oh the love.